Lakers News: LA Hoping to Reopen Team Facility by May 16

The return of Lakers basketball just became a little clearer today. The Lakers seem to have set a date (May 16) to reopen the team facility.

California hasn’t yet cleared for sports teams to resume normal activities but things are starting to look brighter as the state has allowed LA to open its facilities for player workouts but with strict guidelines. 

The guidelines call for only four players at the facility at the same time with no coaches allowed to be present. That being said while there are four players allowed at once, the workouts must remain solo. 

Many states have begun to slowly relax their stay-at-home orders and hopefully, California is set to join them soon. However, that doesn’t mean that we’ll be seeing the games at the Staples Center anytime in the near future. Instead, the NBA has discussed continuing the season in places such as Las Vegas or Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. 

The Lakers are one of many teams who wanted to get things rolling again in hopes that they could finish up the season. Before the NBA season was put on hold the Lakers had the second-best record in the league and best in the Western Conference at 49-14. 

Hopefully, everything continues to go in the right direction and the team can get back to business, hopefully securing another NBA title that Lakers fans have missed.

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