
Lakers News: LBJ Buys Impressive $52m L.A. Mansion, Squashes Rumors It Was Meant For Anthony Davis

If you have been keeping up with the NBA rumor mill you’d probably remember when Lakers star LeBron James made a comment on an impressive mansion post he saw on Instagram:

For A Friend?

Now, from the comment “Owned by someone? On Sell? Asking for a friend..” that James posted, you’d think his “friend” would have been his teammate and future free agent Anthony Davis. AD buying a home in LA would have made a dent in the “where will he land next season” talk that is sure to come. Welllllll, that didn’t turn out to be true.

Looks like good ‘ol LeBron pulled a fast one on us, well kinda since we all just made assumptions as if it was meant for AD. Can you blame us? Wishful thinking I suppose. But hey, congrats King, it’s rather impressive. Just take a look:

The mansion is a 16,000 square foot home with 6 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, pool, jacuzzi and yadda, yadda. You get the idea. It’s literally made for a King (pun intended).

Laker fans can rest easy now (well not really) and put the rumors of this house being for AD to rest. Maybe LBJ is still on the hunt for a mega-mansion for his teammate, who knows?!

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